Wednesday, April 15, 2009

P5 Camp

On the 7th April - 9th April, all P5s went to camp at Labrador Adventure Camp. Chief Eunice was our Chief for that camp. On the morning of 7th April, Tuesday, I had to carry a very heavy bag to school. In the bag, it contains all the materials I needed for the camp.

On the first day of camp, our class were separated into different groups for the camp. I was put in to Group 12 which its name is Melbourne. Our instructor was named Hilda (Instructor Hilda). Then, we set the bus to Labrador Adventure Camp which is near Sentosa. First, we placed our bags in the hall and go to Sentosa for a quest. During this camp, we have to stay in our groups to do the things that Chief Eunice asked us to do. We have to find the Tiger Tower and do something there. Before we proceed to the next place, we have to solve a Maths question. After solving it, we also have to sing 3 different kinds of languages of the Happy Birthday song to the visitors in Sentosa. After running around Sentosa for hours, the last activity was to do the tug-of-war in the sea. Too bad, our group was arranged the last to play the activity... By then, it started to rain and we can't play... :( During the rain shower, we went back to the main entrance of Sentosa to meet the other groups. When we got back to the Campsite, we were asked to take a shower. But first, we have to put down our bags in our dormitory. My dormitory number is 17. The time management was so tight and we have to take a VERY quick shower. Since my friends are outside waiting impatiently, I would just have to rinse myself. After showering, we went down into the canteen to have our dinner. After dinner, there was still one night activity. For the night activity, we played this game called Kidnapped. One of our friends was hidden and we have to find them. Before finding our friend, Brinta, we have to find a key to open the chains that locked Brinta on the chair. After the night activity, we went to sleep. And again, I din't have time to brush my teeth (Eww...). That night, I had a hard time sleeping because it was very hot and I woke up 4 times....

The next day, we did the high elements. So sad that I only did one... I only did rock climbing... But one goo0d thing is that I managed to reached the top! So cool. It was soon noon time, and I was allowed the chance to play the CNC. It's like a very high "ground" that we have to walk on strings from one end to the other. I din't want to do it because it was already very hot. So, I decided to stay in the shade and having fun with my friends. We can also watch people playing Flying Fox, one of the high elements. That was actually the game that I aim to go no matter what. But, I was so unlucky to play only the rock climbing. On the night of the second day, we had the most unforgetable campfire. First, the principal, Mr Matin Tan, made a speech to thank the parents for coming to see tha performance. Then, we started the events. I was surprised that we was the first group to perform our cheer. I think our cheer is very lame... Then half way through the performance of other groups, it started to drizzle. Then, we have to go to the hall to continue the performance. For the last performane, the instructor danced for us. They danced to the song called "Para Para Sakura". After the performance is over, its time for us to sleep. As usual, I had a hard time sleeping. At least, I slept.

The next morning, I am sad to say that it was the last day at the camp. In the morning, we cleaned up the place. Then, Cheif Eunice announced the best girl, boy camper and group for this year. The best group was Group 1. They received an award. The best girl camper is one of my P2 classmate, Dian while the boy camper is my P5's classmate, Kang Li. After the photo taking session, we were then proceed to our class to assemble. Then, we took a bus home... Good Bye to camp and I wish to go there with my family to paly again...

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