Wednesday, July 15, 2009

NE show

On the 11th July 2009, Saturday, I went to watch the National Day Preview (NE show) with my calssmates as we are already Primary 5. All primary 5 pupils will get to watch the show for free but it will not be as good as the actual one because it is just a preview.

At 1.30pm, I reached school and met my buddy, Clarice. After a long breifing before going there with other fellow P5s classes, we finally left the school around 3.30pm. We collected our food (McDonald's) and our free bag that contins goodies that we can eat during the show (Mine's Light Blue). We went up the bus which took us to the Marina Bay. The parade is held on the floating platform at Marina bay. The place where our school sat was somewhere in the middle (Yellow Sector). St.Nicholas Girl's school was sitting behind us. After a very long wait, the show started around 6.30pm.

It started off by some speeches (Words) that was made by the 'eye'. It says that Ah Ben will be saying the pledge... After that, they introduce us the MC of the show. Two men and two lady. Two men were both actors one of them is Mark Lee. While the other two women ladies, one is an actress while the other is not very popular. Each of them took care of their own sectors.

The show finally started after they introduce themselves. The first event was the Marina Wave. It's from the left to the right and back again. After the try, we competed the Marina Wave with a motorbike and a car. We won the car but I am not sure about the motorbike. After the Marina wave, it was the parachuting. There were 10 people one of them had his 2000th jump. After all the excitement, it was the 'Japanese Occupation'. There were alot of bombings. When the first bomb started, everyone was shocked. Then, the 'eye' showed someone reporting about the bomb. After she went off, it bombed again. Then, some scuba divers (?) came running up the staricase and did a pose. More and more bombs are about to 'bomb'. Maybe, there was about 10 bombs in a row (30secs after each bomb).

I think the fun part was the part where they sung. Aaron, sitting beside me, he sung along (his voice so ugly...). And the song continued to play and many other singers came out to sing along. When the Finale was about to start, it rained to heavily! Everyone was surprised and quickly put on their ponchos. I panicked and put on my poncho too! My bag got soaked and I don't even bother about it. When I turned to my left, I help Clarice to put on her Poncho and when I turned to my right, Aaron claimed that his poncho had a big hole... (Haha). I din't even realise that when I was puting on my poncho, they played the National Anthem. Then, I just stood still and sung along. After the National Anthem, there were fireworks. After the whole thing ended, it rained heavier. Most of the boys din't bother to put on their poncho. We left the Platform and went under the shelter.

There were 3 ambulance that came. I think someone was terribly injured. And so, we have to squeeze to one side to let the ambulance pass us. After that, my teacher finally continued to walk to the bus... But it went off :( Then, we quickly took another bus and boarded it before it goes away again. On the bus, our teacher told us some jokes (private). When we reached the school, it was already 10.30pm. Since my mother and father is busy, I followed Clarice's Father's car home. I thanked them and went home peacefully.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

P5 Camp

On the 7th April - 9th April, all P5s went to camp at Labrador Adventure Camp. Chief Eunice was our Chief for that camp. On the morning of 7th April, Tuesday, I had to carry a very heavy bag to school. In the bag, it contains all the materials I needed for the camp.

On the first day of camp, our class were separated into different groups for the camp. I was put in to Group 12 which its name is Melbourne. Our instructor was named Hilda (Instructor Hilda). Then, we set the bus to Labrador Adventure Camp which is near Sentosa. First, we placed our bags in the hall and go to Sentosa for a quest. During this camp, we have to stay in our groups to do the things that Chief Eunice asked us to do. We have to find the Tiger Tower and do something there. Before we proceed to the next place, we have to solve a Maths question. After solving it, we also have to sing 3 different kinds of languages of the Happy Birthday song to the visitors in Sentosa. After running around Sentosa for hours, the last activity was to do the tug-of-war in the sea. Too bad, our group was arranged the last to play the activity... By then, it started to rain and we can't play... :( During the rain shower, we went back to the main entrance of Sentosa to meet the other groups. When we got back to the Campsite, we were asked to take a shower. But first, we have to put down our bags in our dormitory. My dormitory number is 17. The time management was so tight and we have to take a VERY quick shower. Since my friends are outside waiting impatiently, I would just have to rinse myself. After showering, we went down into the canteen to have our dinner. After dinner, there was still one night activity. For the night activity, we played this game called Kidnapped. One of our friends was hidden and we have to find them. Before finding our friend, Brinta, we have to find a key to open the chains that locked Brinta on the chair. After the night activity, we went to sleep. And again, I din't have time to brush my teeth (Eww...). That night, I had a hard time sleeping because it was very hot and I woke up 4 times....

The next day, we did the high elements. So sad that I only did one... I only did rock climbing... But one goo0d thing is that I managed to reached the top! So cool. It was soon noon time, and I was allowed the chance to play the CNC. It's like a very high "ground" that we have to walk on strings from one end to the other. I din't want to do it because it was already very hot. So, I decided to stay in the shade and having fun with my friends. We can also watch people playing Flying Fox, one of the high elements. That was actually the game that I aim to go no matter what. But, I was so unlucky to play only the rock climbing. On the night of the second day, we had the most unforgetable campfire. First, the principal, Mr Matin Tan, made a speech to thank the parents for coming to see tha performance. Then, we started the events. I was surprised that we was the first group to perform our cheer. I think our cheer is very lame... Then half way through the performance of other groups, it started to drizzle. Then, we have to go to the hall to continue the performance. For the last performane, the instructor danced for us. They danced to the song called "Para Para Sakura". After the performance is over, its time for us to sleep. As usual, I had a hard time sleeping. At least, I slept.

The next morning, I am sad to say that it was the last day at the camp. In the morning, we cleaned up the place. Then, Cheif Eunice announced the best girl, boy camper and group for this year. The best group was Group 1. They received an award. The best girl camper is one of my P2 classmate, Dian while the boy camper is my P5's classmate, Kang Li. After the photo taking session, we were then proceed to our class to assemble. Then, we took a bus home... Good Bye to camp and I wish to go there with my family to paly again...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Earth Hour

The Earth Hour of Singapore this year (2009) is about Singaporeans have to turn off the lights for 1 hour and also send a powerful global message that we need to take action on climate change.

This year's Earth Hour is held on the 28th March (Saturday). People organizes this event so that people could at least save the Earth for a few hours if we all participate. During the Earth Hour, I can switch off all the electrical stuff and have a good sleep. We did all these to prevent Earth from Global Warming.

We can all participate in the Earth Hour so that we could save the Earth from a terrible Global warming.

March Holidays

During the March Holidays, I went to the Eastern part of China (NanJing, BengBu, ShangHai). I went to China with other 3 classmates... They are Le Yi, Benjamin and Zhi Hao. Le Yi was my room mate as I am the 'closest' friend to her there.

The weather in China is very cold. There was about 2 days when the weather is getting warmer. But after the 2 days have passed, it had turned warm again.

School Visit

We also visited 2 schools in BengBu (蚌埠). Every year, some of our pupils from the school will also go China to visit the places and Schools in China. In these 3 years, our school has always been visiting this particular school. When we are attending classes with the pupils there, I realised that when they are studying, they were deep in thought of how to answer the teacher's question. And when the teacher asked them to read a paragraph, they read in a neat, fast and loud manner. They have learnt so much that they could even master their English Language in days! Most of them there are very brave and likes to take part in many different things. They also can make many friends in a day. I also realised that they are also very loyal to their country.
After a few days in that school, they had an assembly as a farewell party. The way they performed is amazing! They also had a violin club and a cha cha dance club!

Although the other school is meant for poor people, I think the way the study is also as good. If I rate that school in their studies, I would rate it as 10/10!

Places of interest

Other than school visits, we also visited some other places. At one of the places, we have to climb up hundreds of steps to reach the top of the mountain to meet someone. When we were at that place, it was raining. So, when we climbed up and look down to see the view, it was very misty. Actually, I was hopping to see snow... As I have never seen it before.
There was another place where we saw many beautiful flowers. 梅花 (Mei Hua) you call it...

What a fun time during the school holidays! I wish I would go back with my families and friends again!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Fire Safety

Fire Safety is a very important thing that everyone has to take part in. Although I have never been into a fire break out before I could tell you a few tips on fire safety.

The fire would start burning if you left the stove's fire on and forget to switch it off. It may also happen when a pile of papers or curtains, or something that could caught fire easily been put beside a lamp. One most common reasons is that children would play with matches or any other dangerous things. Children easily got hurt because they are too active and likes to find out new things. So, I think children have to be very conscious order to prevent themselves from getting hurt.

If you are caught in a fire, these are a few tings that you could do :
1. Call the Police if you could reach the phone
2. Go into the room and close the door. With a piece of towel, use it to cover the small opening at the bottom of the door and open the window to shout for help.
3. If you are caught in the smoke, get a wet cloth and cover your mouth, crouch down and crawl to the nearest exit.

If I were given a chance to tell people to be careful of the fire, I would want to create an activity that it's addicting to the kids while making them to learn something. I think addicting games allows most children to remember something from it and talks to friends and share about it. It really brings a lot of knowledge to them...

Friday, February 6, 2009

Social Studies Learning Journey

Today, our class went to two places, Old Ford Factory and Bukit Chandu for our Social Studies (SS) excursion. In this two places, we learnt about what is Singapore's history of World War 2. Our teacher, Mrs Nam brought us there with 2 other parent volunteers, Jasmine's mum (Auntie Amy) and Serene's mum (Auntie June).

We set off from the school at 8.30a.m. During the bus ride, I ate some food and chatted with my friends.
Old Ford Factory
The Old Ford Factory is located at the Upper Bukit Timah. The first thing was to watch a movie about World War 2. The movie shows how the Japanese took over Singapore and how some of them were tortured. Very scary...
After the movie, we went into the gallery and see the equipments picked up from the past and the pictures that was taken. In this place, I only manage to take 4 pictures and my handphone battery went flat... Haiya... Here they are:
This picture shows the Japanese playing with the babies.The Japanese thought that they were
having fun but actually they are killing the baby.
This picture show the place where the British sign the contract to say that they surrendered to the Japanese. Actually the time shows that its 6.20.
This picture show the equipments used by the Japanese in the past.
These are the Rubber that they sold to earn money.

There was once when the guide explained that a guy drew a picture of how his parents were killed by the Japanese. Now, this guy is in a mental hospital because in the past, the Japanese were trying to kill him so, he got a scratch on the head. He is an orphan now because his entire family was killed by the Japanese.
Another one was how the people in prison survived. The people in prison used all they had to save themselves which were plants. They used many plants to cure different kinds of people.
Then, we went into the Garden where it shows the plants that were used in the past to cure people. Many beautiful plants there for display but in the past is for curing or helping the people to survive.
Finally the journey for Old Ford Factory is over.
Reflection @ Bukit Chandu
When we got down the bus, we have to climb up a long flight of steps. "No wonder it's called Bukit," my partner, Hilary said. When we entered the place, it was cooling because the place is air-conditioned. The guide gave us a 10min talk about the past and which way did the Japanese came to attack us. During the talk, my leg got numb... :P
After the talk, we watched a short presentation about which route did the Japanese took to reach Singapore.
Then, we went to the second level. We seen how the Japanese tortured the people. Then, we went into a small room. The guide explained the difference between the British uniform and the Japanese uniform. The British uniform has a short sleeve T-shirt and a short pants with a heavy metal helmet and a weapon. While the Japanese wears long sleeves and long shorts uniform with a rifle. The British failed because the Japanese attack from the Jungle and in the Jungle, there would be a lot of thorns, bugs, sharp objects and so on. So, the Japanese has protected their skin with the long sleeved uniform they had while the British does not.
Then again, the guide also explains about the guy who was mentally ill who drew the picture of how his parents died. At that moment, there were other visitors. So, the guide occupied us by letting us watch a 10min animation made by Nanyang Polytechnic while he entertains the other group of guest.
The animation, I say, was quite a sad story. It shows Lieutenant Adnan does not wanted to surrender to the Japanese so he was hanged in upside down on the tree. It was said that the body was not taken down.
Finally another place we have covered and it's time to go back to the school.
Back to School
On the bus, we completed the worksheet that was given to us. After completing it, I felt tired and sleepy.
I think this time's excursion to the Old Ford Factory and the Reflections @ Bukit Chandu really is a very meaningful and unforgettable trip. I also learned that we should not be greedy if not we would also be ended up in another World War. I am glad that I am borned after the World War has ended.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Total Defence 2009

I would want to defend the clean air in Singapore because, I think the clean air here is a very unique among the other countries.
Clean air gives us healthy air to breathe in and makes sure we do not get sick easily.
I would defend the clean air by not polluting the air by walking to places. If the place it too far, I could take a public transport like the public bus or the MRT train.

I also wanted to defend my family because they means everything to me.
My father teaches me my homework, my mother cares about me, my sister and brother accompanies me.
I would defend them by standing up for them and makes sure no one talks bad about them.