Wednesday, July 15, 2009

NE show

On the 11th July 2009, Saturday, I went to watch the National Day Preview (NE show) with my calssmates as we are already Primary 5. All primary 5 pupils will get to watch the show for free but it will not be as good as the actual one because it is just a preview.

At 1.30pm, I reached school and met my buddy, Clarice. After a long breifing before going there with other fellow P5s classes, we finally left the school around 3.30pm. We collected our food (McDonald's) and our free bag that contins goodies that we can eat during the show (Mine's Light Blue). We went up the bus which took us to the Marina Bay. The parade is held on the floating platform at Marina bay. The place where our school sat was somewhere in the middle (Yellow Sector). St.Nicholas Girl's school was sitting behind us. After a very long wait, the show started around 6.30pm.

It started off by some speeches (Words) that was made by the 'eye'. It says that Ah Ben will be saying the pledge... After that, they introduce us the MC of the show. Two men and two lady. Two men were both actors one of them is Mark Lee. While the other two women ladies, one is an actress while the other is not very popular. Each of them took care of their own sectors.

The show finally started after they introduce themselves. The first event was the Marina Wave. It's from the left to the right and back again. After the try, we competed the Marina Wave with a motorbike and a car. We won the car but I am not sure about the motorbike. After the Marina wave, it was the parachuting. There were 10 people one of them had his 2000th jump. After all the excitement, it was the 'Japanese Occupation'. There were alot of bombings. When the first bomb started, everyone was shocked. Then, the 'eye' showed someone reporting about the bomb. After she went off, it bombed again. Then, some scuba divers (?) came running up the staricase and did a pose. More and more bombs are about to 'bomb'. Maybe, there was about 10 bombs in a row (30secs after each bomb).

I think the fun part was the part where they sung. Aaron, sitting beside me, he sung along (his voice so ugly...). And the song continued to play and many other singers came out to sing along. When the Finale was about to start, it rained to heavily! Everyone was surprised and quickly put on their ponchos. I panicked and put on my poncho too! My bag got soaked and I don't even bother about it. When I turned to my left, I help Clarice to put on her Poncho and when I turned to my right, Aaron claimed that his poncho had a big hole... (Haha). I din't even realise that when I was puting on my poncho, they played the National Anthem. Then, I just stood still and sung along. After the National Anthem, there were fireworks. After the whole thing ended, it rained heavier. Most of the boys din't bother to put on their poncho. We left the Platform and went under the shelter.

There were 3 ambulance that came. I think someone was terribly injured. And so, we have to squeeze to one side to let the ambulance pass us. After that, my teacher finally continued to walk to the bus... But it went off :( Then, we quickly took another bus and boarded it before it goes away again. On the bus, our teacher told us some jokes (private). When we reached the school, it was already 10.30pm. Since my mother and father is busy, I followed Clarice's Father's car home. I thanked them and went home peacefully.